Non-Neutral Zero

musings and writings about data science, machine learning, and analytics.

Thanks for stopping by !

This blog is mostly about expressing and exploring some ideas about data science, documenting my learning notes, and sharing knowledge.
You can follow some of its content on substack (although I do not publish every post in there)

Please read the FAQ below if you'd like some info on how to navigate this website.


It depends on their content - In some cases, I might publish follow-ups to previous posts and leave the old ones to keep a record. Other times, I might delete a post or update it. 
In all cases, I try to add commentary when I deem it "fair".  

For now, I publish some of my posts on substack - other than that, I don't see a necessity to automate updates.

First of all, Thank you ! You can send me an email. I can't make promises about the processing time, but I'll get to it when my schedule allows it for sure.

At the moment, I would like to stay anon and just focus on writing and maintaining this blog. So let's focus on the knowledge sharing and discussions for now, Internet friend !

Oh no ! That's something I am actively trying to avoid. Indeed, Your feedback would be much appreciated ! 

Please drop me an email.



Data Science Environment Setup



Hugo & HugoBook


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Cover Photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash